Picture a store display at your favorite home decor retailer. It's probably big on style—you might even have some of the same pieces in your rental. But what really differentiates the display from your own space isn't what is has, it's what it doesn't have: clutter! Let's face it, clutter can make even the most well curated room look uninviting and, well, messy! Here's how to reel it in for good.

  • Start by setting aside a few minutes every day for clean-up. Even five minutes can make a big impact! Start by clearing off surfaces like coffee tables, entryway tables, and desks, as these tend to attract the most "stuff."
  • As the saying goes, "A place for everything and everything in its place." Assign your keys, mail, TV remote, shoes, throw blankets, and the like their own designated home. That way, you'll know exactly where to put them once clean-up time comes. Bonus: You'll always know where to find them, too.
  • Bring on the baskets—and the trays, bowls, magazine files, and other vessels that can work as catch-alls. Strategically place them around your apartment where items tend to pile up.
  • Have a serious mess to contend with? Take a whole weekend to purge. Create three piles: Keep, Throw Away, and Donate.
  • Don't hesitate to get family and friends involved. If you have sentimental attachments to certain things, they will be able to help you decide what stays and what goes. If you really can't seem to let go, create an "undecided" pile. Look at the objects in that box a few months later and decide if you really need them or not.

18 Five-Minute Decluttering Tips to Start Conquering Your Mess [Zen Habits]
25 Ways to Clean Out the Clutter [Good Housekeeping]
Keep or Toss: Questions & Tips to Help You Declutter [Apartment Therapy]
Keep or Toss: 4 Questions to Help You Declutter Your Living Space [HGTV]