Monthly Resident Tip

Keep indoor airflow vents clean and clear for proper circulation.

Sometimes the perfect spot for a rug or a piece of furniture is blocking an air vent. While covering a single vent may not seem like a big deal, your home’s air vents need to be free and clear to prevent HVAC problems. Furniture, rugs, and curtains are typically what block vents in the home. When you block a vent with a textile, the entire A/C has to work harder to pull air into the system and to push it out again. This extra work takes a toll: your A/C will wear out faster and will consume more energy. Disrupted air flow may also cause humidity issues and refrigerant issues, both of which are harmful to your HVAC system. By the way, the HVAC system isn’t alone in suffering damage. Putting your furniture near vents for long periods of time damages the furniture, too.


Fixing the Problem: Your vents need 18 inches of space. Rearrange your furniture and hem your curtains so you can provide them with the air flow they need. If you have no other choice, get a magnetic air deflector so that the air blows away from the nearby furniture.