Your apartment building might be pet friendly, but what about your apartment itself—and your

lifestyle? There’s more that goes into owning a dog or cat than just a pet policy, so keep these tips

in mind when deciding to share your rental with a new four-legged friend.

  1. Choose an apartment-friendly breed. If you don’t yet own a dog,choose a breed that is known for being calmer or better suited to small spaces. Do some research intothe dog breed before adopting.
  2. Invest in the proper bedding. Give your dog or cat its own sleeping spaceby investing in a high-quality bed or kennel. This will also give your pet a safe space to relax whenyou’re out of the house.
  3. Focus on exercise. Make sure that you play with your cat every day, andkeep a lot of toys on hand so that he or she can stay entertained. For dogs, be sure to go outside or tothe dog park daily, and research how much exercise is necessary for your dog’s specific breed. If

    your schedule is particularly busy, you might consider hiring a dog walker.

  4. Check out doggy day cares. If you know that you’ll be working longhours or going out of town, make sure that you locate a reliable pet sitter or doggy day care in your area.This will keep your pet safe and happy, and it will cut down on the noise that often comes with a lonely or

    anxious animal.

Keep Your Pets Happy Without a Yard [Apartment Therapy]

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Tips for Apartment Living with Dogs [PetsBest]


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