When you're in search of a new roommate, the process is about more than just splitting bills. Many factors go into finding the perfect roommate, so don't rush it. Here are three mistakes to avoid when you're on the hunt for a new roomie!

  1. Skimping on the interview process. Not even background and credit checks can tell you if you'll be compatible with a potential roommate. Take the interview process seriously and make sure to ask important lifestyle questions, such as how late someone usually stays up or wakes up, and what level of noise they consider acceptable in the evening.
  2. Fudging the numbers. If you're already living in an apartment and looking for someone to jump on the lease, be honest with them about variable bills. Even if you find someone you really like, if he or she can't afford a $100 internet bill every month, there's no point in bending the truth. Let them know exactly how much they'll be paying every month, including utilities, to avoid problems down the road.
  3. Accepting any old applicant. If you're one of the many people who prefer not to live with close friends, at least look for a friend of a friend. It's helpful to have someone vouch for a potential roommate so that you know he or she is reliable and not difficult to live with, at the very least. Posting a call for a roommate on Facebook or texting a few friends might be all it takes to find someone who's looking.

4 Common Mistakes Renters Commit When Finding Other Roommates [RRD]
Tips for Finding the Right Roommate [Networx]
How to Find a Trustworthy Roommate [USNews]