Bill’s Blog

Bill’s Blog

April 7, 2017 – A title is nothing more than a position and on its own carries no influence except in organizations where not following the one with the title brings dire penalties. Leadership isn’t based on your title; it is based on your influence. Great...
Resident Safety Tip – April

Resident Safety Tip – April

Monthly Resident Tip Cease the Grease: Why Not to Put Grease or Oil Down the Drain – The main reason why you should never put grease or oil down the drain is that sewage pipes get backed up or damaged and can cause hazardous bacteria to come back up and into...
Friends Association Apartment Donation

Friends Association Apartment Donation

April 3, 2017 – Berger Rental Communities has partnered with Friends Association located in West Chester, PA to sponsor a family to live rent free while they get back on their feet. Friends Association’s goal is to strengthen the community by helping the...